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Showing posts with label #technology. Show all posts


Digital Marketing and Advertising

Digital Marketing In Haiti 

No doubt that Digital Marketing has been a growing subfield inside the larger Marketing field the world over. With the prominence and wide adoption of the new technologies and the accompanying digital platforms (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc.), organizations worldwide have been taking advantage of this fact to meet both current and prospective customers in their new virtual home. And the payoff is huge for organizations that take that approach to marketing and advertising  But why Haitian businesses, even if they have an online presence (e.g.,a website, a social media page, or an app) are not leveraging the digital world just yet to take their business to new heights? Well, I may not have the answer to this question, but I do have a point to make for Haitian organizations to embrace  Digital  Marketing and Advertising. Read on to find out more.

Why Leveraging Businesses' Online Presence?

Despite the fact that the world has become half real and half digital, Haitian organizations are still reluctant to take what I call a "leap of faith" and immerse themselves in the digital sea where they are guaranteed to advertise better, sell better, and grow  larger. With over 30% of the Haitian population now being online via their laptop and smartphones, effectively working to bridge the digital divide gaps that most emerging countries struggle to fill, it is common sense for Haitian organizations to seek their target audiences where they spend much of their day. But, being found online should not be the ultimate objective of businesses; only the beginning of a long, but rewarding journey. In fact, all-size businesses can advertise on sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, among others, to find their target audiences and have them take desired actions. With sites like these, businesses can: 

  •  increase brand awareness
  • display products and services
  • advertise to well-targeted audience
  • generate new leads and build a loyal customer base making them repeat purchases

The cool thing about online advertising is that it costs only a fraction of the costs of traditional advertising--billboard, television, radio, banner, etc. So, in addition to the greater chance of finding your target audience through online advertising, the cost of doing so is enticing and under your total control as you are the one who decides how much to spend on your ad campaigns (think Google Ads, for instance). Plus, there are automated advertising processes that Google runs for businesses wishing not to get involved in the technical aspect--such as smart and automated bidding strategies--in running their marketing campaigns; Google's algorithms will handle it for you. Analytics is quite another useful and objective tool that yields accurate assessment of your ads and allows you to see where your ads perform well and not so well for corrective actions. Online advertising takes away all the hassle and the guesswork of the traditional advertising methods.

Bottom Line 

With all that being said, what does it take for Haitian organizations, especially businesses, to truly embrace the digital world and make it work for them like it does for many global giants like Alibaba, Amazon's and a bunch others? Well, like I said above, this is a 'leap of faith' that they should take to realize that a treasure trove lies in the digital world awaiting them to grab. Anyway, the World Wide Web is here to stay and it commands us at every step of our worldly journeys--Think how often in a single day you log online to find answers to your numerous queries. This applies as much to our personal journey as it does to our business and professional journey. Only those who understand and embrace the digital world of advertising and marketing for their personal and business goals will be  able to stay competitive and win the digital battle.

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